Vacuum Systems

Low Voltage Systems, Inc. can give you advice and information not available from any other dealer.  You are guaranteed to receive the benefit of years of experience and product knowledge on a large variety of central vacuum cleaner brands and models.

This knowledge and advice can make all the difference when you're trying to find the central vacuum that's right for your specific needs. Every homeowner has a different cleaning situation regardless if you have pets, allergies, carpets, rugs, hard floor surfaces, including tile, hardwood, parquet, etc. We can assist you on how different Central Vacuums, Attachments and tools will handle them all.

Low Voltage Systems, Inc. will take the time to talk you through the specific features and benefits available on a variety of central vacuums. We carry a variety of central vacuum systems and household vacuums like Hide-A-Hose, Modern Day and Dirt Devil in all different price ranges, you can find the one vacuum cleaner that will best suit your needs & your budget.

The Retractable Hose Central Vacuum System

Hide-A-Hose solves the problem of carrying and storing a central vacuum hose.
You’ll never have to carry or store a bulky central vacuum hose again. Simply pull out the amount of hose you need from the inlet valve, connect your cleaning wand (with attachment) and begin vacuuming.
When you’re finished, detach the cleaning wand from the hose and the suction from the central vacuum power unit retracts the hose into the SmartTube™ system hidden behind the wall. Hose lengths are customized according to the size of the floor. Each inlet can cover up to 2300 sq. ft.

Click here to view a video of the Hide a Hose in action.